There are few men out there who have not at least once in their lifetime ever taken out a ruler and measured their male member. A quick peek through history will tell you, poets, philosophers, writers and artists alike have all tried to define the average and above average measure for manhood. Erotic art is full of examples of exaggerated manhood, because it is generally believed that the penis mirrors a guy's sexual power and vigor. It's not difficult to see why bigger is still thought to be better even in this so-called new millennium.
So going back to the age-old question; "does size really matter?" Both men and women alike are desperate to know what really gives. Men are equally obsessed, if not more so, with their penis size as women are with their breast size. In fact a lot of them are keen on finding out ways to make their member larger. That explains why the penis enlargement industry is booming by leaps and bounds, offering everything from cream, pills, traction devices, and even surgery. The media and the fanatical stories of 'well-endowed' men have probably contributed to the already bizarre subject of penis size.
Studies show that the average penis size is not the 12" poles being bandied about in porn. Actually average is between 5.5 to 6.4 inches in erect length and 4.7 to 5.2 inches in girth. Now there's one myth that needs to be put to rest: penis size is completely unrelated to height or hand, feet, and nose size simply because there is no bone in the penis.
You probably heard it from countless women that "it's not the size that matters but how you use it." Though the length of the penis has not much to do with sexual pleasure, girth on the other hand may indeed matter in the long run. As what some reproductive therapists explain countless times, it has something to do with stimulating our G-spot which is supposed to be located about two inches inside the upper wall of the vagina.
Anyway, personal preference is still based on the individual woman, some may like big while others small. When we ask a woman what does she prefer over penis length and penis girth, Courtney (not her real name), said that she likes her partner to have "meatier" penis, meaning fuller penis. She said that the nerves in her vaginal walls (located near the entrance of the vagina and the anus) are better stimulated during intercourse. [Find out how to enlarge penis girth, here!]
Thus, girth might be significant here given that a meatier penis can stretch out the vaginal or anal walls that stimulate the nerves. This creates friction and sensation that most women crave during intercourse. She further added that even though the penis is the vital equipment in love making, it's also the combination of skill, passion and romance that heightens the sensation.
To say that men who are small are no good in the sack is a hasty generalization and just short of discriminating. In general, women are more concern about the man's entire package, rather than just the one between their thighs. Women also seek passion, intimacy and emotional connection. Try to show her your love by giving her flowers, a sensual massage, or a bath with rose petals.