In youth, semen production, sperm count and the quality should be at your peak. Once you are over 35 years of age this starts to gradually decline. These changes to the prostate and surrounding glands means that the semen volume will be significantly lower than it once was, as distressing and frustrating as this problem is it unfortunately goes hand in hand with getting older and happens to everyone.
Another possible cause for reduced semen production is too frequent ejaculation. The older you are the longer the glands take to produce more secretions; it can sometimes take several days to completely restore your ejaculatory volume. It is recommended to abstain from sexual intercourse and masturbation from time to time so that the body has the chance to replenish its semen volume. Studies have shown that sperm count is generally at its highest in the morning and afternoon. So by having sex earlier on in the day there is a good chance you will ejaculate more.
There are other contributing factors to a lack in semen production; an overlooked and generally forgotten about cause is dehydration. This is a very common and quite significant reason. As semen is a fluid secretion so if you are dehydrated you will not produce as much semen as a well-hydrated man would. Certain medications can play havoc with semen production as well as men suffering from health conditions such as diabetes and if you have at any time had pelvic surgery.
How to Produce More Semen
There are safe and natural ways for men to produce more semen and improve their overall sexual performance. A natural semen enhancing supplement is well worth exploring. These supplements have backing and approval from doctors; they are proven to be safe and are commonly known to be a favourite of porn stars around the world to help them perform to their full potential on the screen.With so many supplements available, it can be difficult to decide which one will offer you what you need. Semen enhancers that contain L-Arginine, Zinc and Pomegranate have a great effect on semen quality and consistency can boost virility and can provide powerful strong erections that last. Just one tablet a day is all that is usually needed and can restore your sex drive and restore youthful energy to your body and revive your sex life.