Since this is so, you know that it is crucial that you learn how to increase the size of your penis rather than risk that moment when your loved one will leave you for a guy who has a bigger load than you!
Penis enlargement methods that work: There are many techniques in making your penis larger than it used to be. The very first thing that one comes to think of is the penis enlargement pill. If you are aware of those late night TV commercials, then you probably know a few pills that are being advertised.
The penis enlargement pills that are being sold in home TV shopping ads cost about $50 to a hundred dollars for a monthly supply. Taking some pills doesn’t require any effort on your part because the pill – supposedly – will do the entire job for you. You should take note of this, though, if you want to use these pills – no scientific findings have proven that these pills actually make penis larger.
These are just popular because the marketers do everything in their power to promote these products. They want their customers to bank on the fact that all they have to do is to take the pills and just wait for the results.
Penile exercises to lengthen and enlarge the penis: Medical studies have confirmed that this is a good way to enlarge the penis. You can purchase a penis extender and just wear it for just a couple of hours each day. This tool will naturally exercise the penis as it stretches the tissues of your genital organ.
You can also sign up for an online program that aims to exercise the penis. These programs have dozens of manual exercises that are explained with videos and photographs. There isn’t any chance that you would do the exercises incorrectly.
Weights and pumps for the penis: There are also other tools that you can use to enlarge your penis. Pumps have been tried by a lot of men and their testimonials vary from negatives to positives. Pumps can give the penis a vein-like appearance but the results are believed to be only temporary. So, technically, it’s like starting the sexual encounter with an 8-inch penis and ending with, well, a miniscule organ.
The weights on penis are more of a burden rather than something that can improve the size of a man’s sex organ. Weights are often strapped to the head of the penis when it is only partially erect. These will give the penis a tug which will, theoretically, stretch the tissues and vessels of the penile shaft.
The trouble with weights is that you need to know how to properly use it. There have been incidents when the penis no longer erects due to numerous ruptured blood vessels. Also, permanent scarring has occurred all because the guy placed the weights too soon or too tightly.
Are you afraid of the side effects of these penis enlargement methods? Then you should just trust in a system that can naturally enhance your manhood:
There are no false promises here. All you will get is the raw truth that you are already larger than you used to be without using unnatural methods such as pumps, pills, weights, even surgery. This penis enlargement exercises program aims to thicken the penis permanently as you also get more powerful erections.
If you believe that you’ve been creative enough in trying the different strategies of penis enlargement, then it’s time to stop being experimental. Get your hands on a program that really works and has already worked for thousands of other men! This is the time to become confident inside the bedroom and a new and bigger you is the best way to do it!