Penis enlargement is a very helpful way of boosting any man’s self-esteem. For this, it becomes essential to learn about some exercises that are guaranteed to work and can definitely help you improve the size of your penis. In doing so, you can also be guaranteed that you will be able to finally satisfy your partner in bed.
So with such advantages of penis enlargement exercises, there is nothing to stop you from doing them and therefore live life happily with a bigger-sized penis. Why not consider the following exercises that this article will share with you?
Jelqing Exercises
Jelqing exercises which originated from the Middle East are a guaranteed way to increase your penis size, especially if you keep a very petite one. It has been said that the Arabian men wanted to stretch their penis and make them longer by 20 inches more. So if you are in need of an exercise that can truly stretch, milk and massage your penis to make it longer, then it would be best if you could learn more about how to jelg on a regular basis.This exercise entails giving your penis a massage starting with the base of your penis all the way to its tip. It is also known to enhance blood circulation since the main idea is to bring great pressure to the penile tissues so that the penis’ flexible chambers may be stretched and therefore, make the penis become longer in terms of its dimension.
How To Do Jelqing Exercises
First, you may start by applying some lubricants such as baby oil in your hands as well as your penis. The penis should be partially erect when you do it after which you may rest your thumb on the base of your penis gripping it firmly at the same time. Next, you will need to do a milking motion going all the way up to but should not reach the head of your penis. Do this warm up exercise alternately with both hands.The Rewards Of Jelqing
With regular jelqing, you can be certain that you will improve your penis’ girth and length. Due to this increase in size, your penis will be erect in just a few months. Before you start the exercise, you must first do your warm ups so that the exercise will be guaranteed to work for you and at the same time, the tissues in your penis will be safe from possible injuries.Kegel Exercises
The Kegel exercises on the other hand, are more basic. This exercise entails repetitively squeezing and letting loose your pelvic muscles. It will not merely enhance the strength and flexibility of your penile tissues but Kegel can also help increase the blood circulation in your penis while you are on an erection.If you will practice your muscle control using the Kegel method, you can be certain that you will eventually have good control of your erection as well as your ejaculation. Just make sure you are aware that you will not obtain results overnight. It will take you a few months of regularly doing Kegel exercises before you can finally obtain the results you want. First month should already show you signs of hardness in your penis and a 0.5 inch growth by the second month.
The Best Penis Enlargement Exercises Program
If you ask for the best penis enlargement exercises program, then PenisHealth is the answer. PenisHealth is a comprehensive online penis enlargement exercise program. They have taken all of the most effective exercises for penis enlargement and grouped them into one easy to use site. You will get patented and proven exercise routines that are not only effective but also very safe.PenisHealth comes with 100% money back guarantee in case you are not satisfied with the improvements after 6 months. The guarantee is reassuring and definitely shows their confidence in the programs. Click here to read PenisHealth reviews from PenisEnlargementPro.com.